Personal Injury Lawyer

Laredo Texas

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused By Texas Car Accidents

A collage of brain and skull scans showing various traumatic injuries.

Brain injuries sustained in car accidents can have devastating consequences, both physically and psychologically. Whether they occur suddenly or develop gradually, such consequences can be profound and long-lasting.

If you've suffered a head or brain injury in a Texas car accident, it's crucial to understand your legal rights and seek appropriate compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other accident-related expenses. Consulting with an experienced car accident lawyer can help you navigate the challenges of your case and pursue the justice and financial compensation you deserve.

TBIs are a common outcome in car wrecks

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that car accidents are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Car accident brain injuries typically include:

  • Concussion: This often results from a direct blow to the head. Concussions can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and blurred vision.
  • Brain contusion: A brain contusion occurs when the brain strikes the inside of the skull due to a violent jolt or blow. This can cause symptoms similar to concussion. In severe cases, it may lead to blood clots or bleeding in the brain.
  • Skull fracture: A severe impact can fracture the skull. A skull fracture can accompany other brain injuries. Symptoms include bleeding from the ears or nose and swelling at the impact site. A skull fracture can occur in any severe car crash where the head strikes an object with enough force.
  • Acquired brain injury: This type of injury occurs internally, often without a direct blow to the head. It can be caused by oxygen deprivation that leads to brain cell death. A car accident causing a severe injury that restricts oxygen or blood flow to the brain can result in this injury.
  • Coup-contrecoup injury: This injury affects both the site of impact and the opposite side of the brain. It's caused by the force of the blow pushing the brain against the skull.
  • Brain penetration: A penetrating brain injury is one of the most severe. It occurs when an object breaks through the skull and into the brain. Survivors often face lifelong debilitating effects. In car accidents, high-speed impacts can propel objects, such as glass and other crash debris, with enough force to cause this devastating injury.

The effects of brain injuries from car accidents

Head injuries caused by car accidents often affect crash victims through:

  • Cognitive symptoms: These include difficulty concentrating, memory problems, disorientation, and slowed processing speed.
  • Physical symptoms: Symptoms can range from headaches and dizziness to fatigue, sleep disturbances, and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Emotional or behavioral symptoms: Mood swings, irritability, depression, and personality changes are common, along with difficulty controlling emotions.
  • Speech and language symptoms: Challenges include finding the right words, slurred speech, and difficulty understanding or expressing thoughts.
  • Motor symptoms: Motor symptoms include weakness or paralysis in parts of the body, poor coordination, and difficulty swallowing.
  • Severe symptoms: More serious signs include loss of consciousness, convulsions, and clear fluids draining from the nose or ears, pointing to a more severe brain injury.

How insurance companies handle brain injury claims

Navigating a brain injury claim can be a complex and overwhelming process. Typically, insurance companies will assess these claims by considering various factors, including the extent of the injury, medical expenses, lost wages, and long-term effects on the victim's life. While that all sounds good on paper, in practice, insurance companies often prioritize their own profits over the well-being of the injured party. This can lead to delays in processing claims, unjust denials, or inadequate settlement offers that fail to address the full extent of the victim's needs.

Initially, insurance adjusters may attempt to minimize the severity of the brain injury or dispute its cause to reduce the compensation owed to the victim. They may also pressure victims to accept low-ball settlement offers quickly before the full extent of their injuries is known. These tactics can leave victims feeling powerless and uncertain about their future. That's when having an attorney by your side can make all the difference.

A Laredo, Texas car accident lawyer fighting for victims of traumatic brain injury

Laredo car accident attorney John R. Solis is dedicated to fighting for victims of traumatic brain injury. He understands the challenges that come with these cases and is committed to advocating for the rights of those who have suffered such devastating injuries.

With his knowledge, experience, and resources, John works tirelessly to pursue the compensation and justice his clients deserve. If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury in a Texas car accident, you can trust John to provide compassionate support and aggressive representation every step of the way.

To find out how he can help, contact us online or call our Laredo law office for a free case consultation.

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