Personal Injury Lawyer

Laredo Texas

Underride Truck Accident Attorney

We hold truck drivers accountable for their actions

If you're reading this, you're likely wondering what you should do after your truck underride accident. These truck accidents are among the most serious - and most complicated - crashes we deal with in Laredo. That's why John R. Solis, Attorney at Law wants to help.

We know that a serious truck accident can change your life in an instant. Whether it's you or a loved one who was injured in an underride accident, you now face the task of dealing with your truck accident.

You're not alone. Truck accident attorney John R. Solis can help you every step of the way - from investigating your accident to dealing with trucking companies and negotiating with insurance companies. Our law firm puts your best interests first.

Common legal issues you may face

Underride truck accidents involve smaller vehicles becoming trapped under the rear or side of an 18-wheeler or tractor-trailer. These accidents often occur because of mistakes made by truck drivers or trucking companies, including poor maintenance.

After your underride truck accident, you may have to deal with a wide range of complicated issues. These include:

  • The truck driver denies causing your underride accident.
  • The truck driver or trucking company blames you for causing the crash.
  • The trucking company refuses to share maintenance records, especially if underride guard protectors were defective or not installed at all.
  • The truck driver's insurance company pressures you to accept a lowball settlement offer.
  • The insurance company denies your accident claim.

Whatever issues you're dealing with after your crash, no matter how complicated or straightforward they might seem, we're here for you every step of the way.

How our law firm can help you

Evidence builds strong legal cases. That's why we want to get straight to work investigating your underride accident. We can analyze your accident report in search of details that strengthen your claim. We can track down witnesses who saw your crash and interview them. We can consult with accident reconstruction experts to get a better understanding of exactly what happened.

We can then present this information to the insurance company and demand that they fairly compensate you for your crash. Normally, most insurance companies are willing to negotiate with us once they see that we have the facts on our side. But if they refuse to cooperate, we're prepared to take them to court.

You have rights. We can fight for them. Contact us right now and find out what an experienced truck accident lawyer can do for you. Schedule your free case evaluation today.